Laser Therapy in Combination with Platelet Rich Plasma
The therapy concept of LLLT has been developed in Germany and is based on the usage of soft lasers. Unlike surgical lasers that destroy tissue and cells, soft lasers supply our body with energy to trigger numerous regenerative processes.
Biomedical laser therapy applies blue, green, yellow, red and infrared lasers. Each color develops different effects which are evoked by the stimulation of specific cellular components, such as growth factors or cells of our immune system. These effects have been proven by a large number of clinical studies.
Platelet or thrombocyte-rich plasma (PRP) can be obtained from the patient's own blood very easily. After blood sampling with special tubes (8-30 ml), PRP is prepared by centrifugation and is injected into damaged tissue.
Platelets contain a high amount of tissue- regenerating growth factors and cytokines. They stimulate cell reproduction, angiogenesis and the formation of connective tissue.
The PRP injection can be combined very successfully with laser therapy, taking advantage of the regenerative effects of the laser irradiation and thus obtaining even better treatment results.
Due to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects, this treatment can improve various conditions.
– Orthopedics (arthrosis, bone regeneration)
– Sports Medicine (tendinopathy, fractures, wound healing)
– Aesthetic Medicine (skin rejuvenation, scar treatment, hair loss)
*some treatments or contents may not be available in all countries and must be adapted according to the particularities and medical needs of the client.